Tourism & Event Management Project

This module is designed to form an essential element which facilitates learners in consolidating the key strands of the Tourism and Event Management programme in an integrative project.

On successful completion of this module learners should be able to: 

  1. Recognise and apply the cross disciplinary relevance of learning achieved in the other Tourism and Event Management Programme modules.
  2. Translate the academic theory underpinning Tourism Marketing and Event Management into an applied nature by creating a realistic industry standard Tourist Event.
  3. Communicate a proposal that identifies a marketing campaign and detailed event planning for a realistic industry standard Tourist Event.
  4. Explain how selected tourism marketing and event management strategies should and can be applied together effectively in an industry setting.


Course Content:

Tutorial 1

Initial Tutorial:  Having introduced the project in the first Applied Tourism Marketing and Event Management classes, groups are formed and invited to meet the co-ordinator to discuss: project framework and parameters; timelines and requirements; group work styles; potential events for the project.

Tutorial 2

Progress Tutorial: To coincide approximately with Session 4 of the Applied Tourism Marketing and Event Management Modules, groups are invited to arrange a meeting to update the co-ordinator on progress to date, event details, obstacles encountered, economic and cultural challenges and any group issues.

Tutorial 3

Marketing Campaign:  To coincide approximately with Session 6 of the Tourism Marketing Module, groups are scheduled to meet the co-ordinator to discuss and explore the requirements to design an effective marketing campaign.

Tutorial 4

Event Planning: To coincide approximately with Session 8 of the Event Management Module, groups are scheduled to meet the co-ordinator to discuss the technical requirements of organising their event.

Tutorial 5

Written and oral elements: To coincide approximately with Session 9 of both Modules, groups are scheduled to meet the co-ordinator to discuss their final document and their oral presentations.

Reading Lists and Other Resources

Textbook / Journal based Resources:

Middleton, V., Fyall, A., & Morgan, M. Marketing in Travel and Tourism.

Elsevier BH, 2009Kotler, P., Bowen, J., & Makens, J. Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism. Prentice Hall, 1999

Guiney, Denise. The Tourism and Travel Industry in Ireland. Gill and Macmillan, 2002

Bowdin, Glenn et al. Events Management, 3rd Edition. Elsevier, 2011

Allen, Johnny et al. Festival & Special Event Management, 5th Edition. Wiley, 2011.

Goldblatt, Joe. Special Events – Events Leadership for a New World, 4th Edition. Wiley 2005