Event Management
The aim of this module is to familiarise international learners with the theory, principles and practices of event management.
On successful completion of this module learners should be able to:
- Describe the events environment including categories of events,their origins and development and their relationship with, and impact on stakeholders.
- Discuss the key phases, stages and elements of the event planning and management process from feasibility study to post event evaluation.
- Prepare a selection of event related documents including event plan(s), post event reports and event proposals.
- Communicate a proposed commercial and creative strategy for the planning and execution of an industry based event.
Course Content:
Session 1
Introduction to Event Management: course overview, projects and assignments, definitions, categories and typographies of events, history and evolution of the events industry, events as catalysts of development.
Session 2
Event Concepts and Feasibility: Event USP, attributes of special events vis-à-vis planning, characteristics of events, the decision making process and event feasibility, screening events, the 5 W’s of event planning.
Session 3 & 4
Management and Planning Considerations: Phases of planning strategy, positive and negative impacts of events, strategic planning, operational planning, administrative plans, 7 versus 14 stage planning models, mission statements, S.M.A.R.T. objectives, characteristics of planned events.
Session 5
Marketing an Event: The importance of marketing in the event context, why market the event, who are the targets, differing messages, methods of measurement.
Session 6
Financial Implications of Events:The three phases of financial influence, definitions, over-run factors, basic financial considerations, budgeting for events, revenue sources, cost centered accounting; special considerations, final accounts, cost control and reduction, profit and income maximisation.
Session 7
Event Logistics: Timelines daily and long term, “on the day” considerations, ticketing, queuing, command centers, duty manager styles, logistics checklist, equipment and facilities, venue issues, transport and arrival plan, the Zamboni principle, set-up and break-down, HR, staffing issues, motivation.
Session 8
Event Risk Management and Controls: Elements of risk management; methods of assessing and managing risk; control systems and methods.
Session 9
Event evaluation and reporting: Objective setting and evaluation; event stakeholders and their objectives; reasons for reporting.
Session 10
Proposing your event: managing stakeholders, setting objectives, pitching event ideas to clients, support documentation – event plans, logistic (day) sheets, basic budgets, operational plans/event blueprints, relevant software. Syllabus round up and exam focus.
Reading Lists and Other Resources
Textbook / Journal based Resources:
Bowdin, Glen et al. Events Management, 3rd Edition. Elsevier, 2011
Allen, Johnny et al. Festival & Special Event Management, 5th Edition. Wiley, 2011
Goldblatt, Joe. Special Events – Events Leadership for a New World, 4th Edition. Wiley, 2005
Web based Resources:
Please consult the Event Management folder on ISB Moodle for the most comprehensive range of resources for this module.
Other digital Resources:
CeBIT on-line resource (for assignment): http://www.cebit.de/en/conferences/videos/
Fáilte Ireland Meitheal 2014 link: http://www.failteireland.ie/News-Features/News- Library/Video-Here-s-what-happened-at-Meitheal-this-year.aspx
Indian EM video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpyxFyx_5iw
Event Management Software: www.projectconnections.com
Valencia Grand Prix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVdzU7L1SK8
Event Facilities Case Studies: http://www.zigmagroundsolutions.com/case-studies/